Recommended by Robert Leonard
This will be a record of Iowa's technology companies and the people who built them. I'll attempt to find the stories and talk to the people 1:1 and bring you what they did, why they did it, and how they see the community's progression since the 1980s
A fascinating accounting of the history of tech startups and contributions in Iowa. I had no idea of how these important businesses started, or how they operated. Incredibly well written--I feel like I'm in the room where it's all happening.
A newsletter advancing a hopeful future from and through rural America.
Matt Russell just served as Executive Director of the Farm Service Agency in Iowa for three years. We’ve written columns together for the New York Times, TIME, FERN, the Des Moines Register, and more. I look forward to reading more from him and to our future collaborations. You won’t regret subscribing to “Growing New Leaders: Perspectives from Coyote Run Farm.”