It has not been a free press for a long time. Bush, then Obama implemented dictatorial orders and it’s grown worse. Democrats have supported dictatorial executive orders for 20 years. Returning power to the states and the individual is paramount to saving our Republic, our union! Transparency is critical to rebuilding any trust in government and even we MAGAs have not intention of allowing more power to the executive branch after we dismantle taxpayer $$ wastefulness and huge agencies with no accountability! States need to take their power back, minimize federal intervention and restore individual freedoms!
Thanks, but I fear that your title is misleading. I think that a Christofascist America (see, e.g., is already a reality. This situation is complicated and littered with uncertainties, but I think that a reasonable analogy for helping people to think about this situation is to imagine a building whose foundation has been chipped away for many years by political vandalism without any repair work. Its owners had given up on it and sold it cheaply to a new owner. The new owner has contracted with a company to demolish it and build an entirely new building from the foundation up. Currently an excavator has been on site and the demolition work has begun in earnest and the building, while some of its structure remains, is not longer salvageable. In the U.S. case, through the processes of science denialism, growing social and economic inequalities, the rise of "information" media transmitting misinformation and disinformation, the transposition of most variants of Christianity into wholly own subsidiaries of Marketism, the purpose scientific work morphing from being pursued in the public interest to being pursued in the private interest, uncontrolled dark money political operations, etc. has undermined the foundations of democracy. With "state capture" by unelected oligarchs like Musk, enabled by both a court system undermined step by step under the influence of entities like the Federalist Society ever the last 40 or more years and legislators that have either been bought or cowed by far-right political and concentrated corporate interests the guard rails are gone.
Thanks, Bob, for your continued voice and help. I am so appreciative of concrete suggestions of what I can do. I am calling and writing every day, and showing up when I can. This fight needs all of us, and your courageous leadership is vital.
Thanks, Matt, for your voice and leadership. This is the moment to resist, while there is still time. If every person does what they can, it will matter. You are a courageous example.
Take a deep dive into a distinct possibility: The entire workings of the US government are computerized. Once a hostile force takes control of these systems, those with access to these computers rule America.That’s it. No amount of voting or legislating will make any difference whatsoever. It won’t matter what the Congress says, or the Supreme Court decides, or the Military needs, or the Executive Branch directs. The computers don’t take instructions from any of these entities.
Yes, I know. The thought of Elon Musk as the System Administrator of the US Government has given me pause, too. In this scenario, everyone else becomes irrelevant. Maybe someone should give the President a heads up - he won’t be able to run the government without the Sys Admin, but the Sys Admin can certainly run it without the President.
Anyone else notice Joni is always right up some top Republicans backside when ever there is a camera around? She lives in DC, the residence she has in Iowa is just for looks for paper.
This ? Dictatorship ? T H I S is PATRIARCHY. WORLDWIDE.
This ? T H I S is what girls and women Worldwide have LIVED ... ... for, O, ~12,000 years now.
We have LIVED " u n d e r " men's and boys' DICTATORSHIPS for ~12,000 years already.
So: American men and boys ? Now YOUR having, T O D A Y, to experience T H I S ?
KNOW and DO ... ... T H U S of Ms Villines' COUNSEL.
IF ... ... IF you men and boys E V E N BOTHER Y O U R SELVES ... ... to READ it:
" Zawn Villines / Liberating Motherhood
Endlessly debating the meaning of the latest Trump/Musk horror is not activism.
Spending endless hours doom-scrolling until you are so panicked that you can’t function isn’t activism.
Trying to convince people things are hopeless isn’t activism.
Despair isn’t activism.
These actions—and many like them, that burn through our emotional energy but which accomplish nothing—feel like activism because they are exhausting.
But the despair, panic, and overwhelm are the point. Fascist coups depend on this despair. The Trump-Musk administration wants to overwhelm you so that you don’t act intelligently or strategically.
The right has always been more strategic than the left. Even though their positions are far less popular. Witness how they lobbied for 50 years to overturn Roe v. Wade, even though the overwhelming majority of the country supports abortion rights.
You do not have to consume every horror.
You do not have to argue with every person who is wrong.
Pick something and do it. Then do something else.
Use your expertise and talents, and stop leaning into despair. "
I track my political communications, turning civic action into a purposeful exercise. By logging calls and emails, I create a system that serves multiple goals: documenting interactions, identifying response patterns, and generating potential public content, like for future letters to the editor or substack writings.
My approach is deliberate: start with positive reinforcement, acknowledge constructive actions, and then introduce critical perspectives. I've commended Chuck Schumer for challenging appointees and praised Iowa State Representative Charley Thompson's eminent domain work. Iowa's federal delegation receives little praise these days.
When controversial issues emerge, I share responses from federal officials on platforms like Substack, holding officials accountable while encouraging others to speak out. This transforms potential frustration into structured, meaningful action. And helps keep my sanity.
Ralph, great advice for those with time and energy. For those who don't have either, just make the call. They are simply counting calls. If you have more than one point to make, call two different offices and make each point with a different staffer in a different office. Calls matter. They are simply counting. If you have the time and energy to be as deliberate as Ralph, that is awesome and really important. If not, just make the calls. And whenever something new is revealed, make another call. Thanks for what everyone is doing!
Matt is right about just making calls. I just posted on Julie Gammack’s and Barry Piatt’s substances how grassroots, group efforts make a difference. Matt, you are right. I am retired and have more time than many. I feel an obligation to fill any ‘gap’ because many Iowans cannot, will not contact their federal delegation-for whatever reason.
I didn't think the unraveling could happen this quickly, but in retrospect I feel that was pretty optimistic and naive. I feel like we are definitely on a timeline here, and very, very little time is left. The deeper the tendrils of fascism extend into the minutiae of the normal day-to-day workings of governance, the more difficult they will be to remove.
Yes. That is exactly what's happening. We need to help others understand this so they act now rather than later. If it seems hard now, it's going to get a lot harder the longer we wait to act.
Hey Bob, although written with facts and democratic soul, it is by consequence, depressing. All of us, democrats, republicans, and independents are under siege. Where are the here to fore political groups I just mentioned, dynamic leaders? How do we truly reach people without preaching? Folks that need to and should read your sub stack column today, won't. It must start at the local level and forward to the state level. A ground swell needs to begin. We need a front runner who isn't afraid of special interests and can speak to regular people of all ages and races. There is an individual in the writer's collaborative I bet that would fit the role. Read the article in the Atlantic Magazine today by Tim Ryback. Tell me who Alfred Hugenburg reminds you of. Thankyou Bob Leonard for your thoughts and words.
Thomas- This individual in the Iowa Writers Collaborative who will fit your role is going to need: 1) guts of steel; 2) megabucks; 3)media presence; 4) a brain trust of wise advisors and yes, 5)grassroots support. Who do you have in mind? I still favor Senator Klobuchar. Just don’t know whether she can garner help from a few billionaires?
That's a fabulous five list of resources needed for the movement. It would be great if there's a person. But also think about that same list in terms of party leadership and organizational leadership.
Hey Josiah, I voted for Amy in the primary couple cycles ago. Contributed to her campaign too. I am thinking more about State of Iowa politics with my post. Nationally, your need to have list I agree with.
In Iowa, okay! That’s tough…who is a middle of the road candidate with ability to engage people regarding the costs of food and housing? And with charisma?
Nice shout out for your good work in TFN today. Thank you for all of that very good work.
It has not been a free press for a long time. Bush, then Obama implemented dictatorial orders and it’s grown worse. Democrats have supported dictatorial executive orders for 20 years. Returning power to the states and the individual is paramount to saving our Republic, our union! Transparency is critical to rebuilding any trust in government and even we MAGAs have not intention of allowing more power to the executive branch after we dismantle taxpayer $$ wastefulness and huge agencies with no accountability! States need to take their power back, minimize federal intervention and restore individual freedoms!
Bob & Matt,
Thanks, but I fear that your title is misleading. I think that a Christofascist America (see, e.g., is already a reality. This situation is complicated and littered with uncertainties, but I think that a reasonable analogy for helping people to think about this situation is to imagine a building whose foundation has been chipped away for many years by political vandalism without any repair work. Its owners had given up on it and sold it cheaply to a new owner. The new owner has contracted with a company to demolish it and build an entirely new building from the foundation up. Currently an excavator has been on site and the demolition work has begun in earnest and the building, while some of its structure remains, is not longer salvageable. In the U.S. case, through the processes of science denialism, growing social and economic inequalities, the rise of "information" media transmitting misinformation and disinformation, the transposition of most variants of Christianity into wholly own subsidiaries of Marketism, the purpose scientific work morphing from being pursued in the public interest to being pursued in the private interest, uncontrolled dark money political operations, etc. has undermined the foundations of democracy. With "state capture" by unelected oligarchs like Musk, enabled by both a court system undermined step by step under the influence of entities like the Federalist Society ever the last 40 or more years and legislators that have either been bought or cowed by far-right political and concentrated corporate interests the guard rails are gone.
Thanks, Bob, for your continued voice and help. I am so appreciative of concrete suggestions of what I can do. I am calling and writing every day, and showing up when I can. This fight needs all of us, and your courageous leadership is vital.
Thank you so much Virginia!
Thanks, Matt, for your voice and leadership. This is the moment to resist, while there is still time. If every person does what they can, it will matter. You are a courageous example.
Jim speaking — It is impossible to convince anyone, but especially a TRUMP GOPer, who has no desire and/or is incapable of "critical thinking."
I think they are feeling the pain already.
Take a deep dive into a distinct possibility: The entire workings of the US government are computerized. Once a hostile force takes control of these systems, those with access to these computers rule America.That’s it. No amount of voting or legislating will make any difference whatsoever. It won’t matter what the Congress says, or the Supreme Court decides, or the Military needs, or the Executive Branch directs. The computers don’t take instructions from any of these entities.
Yes, I know. The thought of Elon Musk as the System Administrator of the US Government has given me pause, too. In this scenario, everyone else becomes irrelevant. Maybe someone should give the President a heads up - he won’t be able to run the government without the Sys Admin, but the Sys Admin can certainly run it without the President.
Horrifying. Thanks for sharing.
Anyone else notice Joni is always right up some top Republicans backside when ever there is a camera around? She lives in DC, the residence she has in Iowa is just for looks for paper.
Then there is the connection to Iowa farmers:
Here is a short analysis of all this law breaking. Please pass it on.
so true. thanks for spelling it all out.
you left one thing out for believers. Pray like your life depends on it because it does!!
Doc Blue’s LONG VIEW Redemption
This ? Dictatorship ? T H I S is PATRIARCHY. WORLDWIDE.
This ? T H I S is what girls and women Worldwide have LIVED ... ... for, O, ~12,000 years now.
We have LIVED " u n d e r " men's and boys' DICTATORSHIPS for ~12,000 years already.
So: American men and boys ? Now YOUR having, T O D A Y, to experience T H I S ?
KNOW and DO ... ... T H U S of Ms Villines' COUNSEL.
IF ... ... IF you men and boys E V E N BOTHER Y O U R SELVES ... ... to READ it:
" Zawn Villines / Liberating Motherhood
Endlessly debating the meaning of the latest Trump/Musk horror is not activism.
Spending endless hours doom-scrolling until you are so panicked that you can’t function isn’t activism.
Trying to convince people things are hopeless isn’t activism.
Despair isn’t activism.
These actions—and many like them, that burn through our emotional energy but which accomplish nothing—feel like activism because they are exhausting.
But the despair, panic, and overwhelm are the point. Fascist coups depend on this despair. The Trump-Musk administration wants to overwhelm you so that you don’t act intelligently or strategically.
The right has always been more strategic than the left. Even though their positions are far less popular. Witness how they lobbied for 50 years to overturn Roe v. Wade, even though the overwhelming majority of the country supports abortion rights.
You do not have to consume every horror.
You do not have to argue with every person who is wrong.
Pick something and do it. Then do something else.
Use your expertise and talents, and stop leaning into despair. "
Thanks for your advice and passion.
I track my political communications, turning civic action into a purposeful exercise. By logging calls and emails, I create a system that serves multiple goals: documenting interactions, identifying response patterns, and generating potential public content, like for future letters to the editor or substack writings.
My approach is deliberate: start with positive reinforcement, acknowledge constructive actions, and then introduce critical perspectives. I've commended Chuck Schumer for challenging appointees and praised Iowa State Representative Charley Thompson's eminent domain work. Iowa's federal delegation receives little praise these days.
When controversial issues emerge, I share responses from federal officials on platforms like Substack, holding officials accountable while encouraging others to speak out. This transforms potential frustration into structured, meaningful action. And helps keep my sanity.
Ralph, great advice for those with time and energy. For those who don't have either, just make the call. They are simply counting calls. If you have more than one point to make, call two different offices and make each point with a different staffer in a different office. Calls matter. They are simply counting. If you have the time and energy to be as deliberate as Ralph, that is awesome and really important. If not, just make the calls. And whenever something new is revealed, make another call. Thanks for what everyone is doing!
Matt is right about just making calls. I just posted on Julie Gammack’s and Barry Piatt’s substances how grassroots, group efforts make a difference. Matt, you are right. I am retired and have more time than many. I feel an obligation to fill any ‘gap’ because many Iowans cannot, will not contact their federal delegation-for whatever reason.
Very wise, Ralph. Thanks.
I didn't think the unraveling could happen this quickly, but in retrospect I feel that was pretty optimistic and naive. I feel like we are definitely on a timeline here, and very, very little time is left. The deeper the tendrils of fascism extend into the minutiae of the normal day-to-day workings of governance, the more difficult they will be to remove.
Yes. That is exactly what's happening. We need to help others understand this so they act now rather than later. If it seems hard now, it's going to get a lot harder the longer we wait to act.
Bob, thank you so much for this. It was forwarded to dozens. Susan.
Hey Bob, although written with facts and democratic soul, it is by consequence, depressing. All of us, democrats, republicans, and independents are under siege. Where are the here to fore political groups I just mentioned, dynamic leaders? How do we truly reach people without preaching? Folks that need to and should read your sub stack column today, won't. It must start at the local level and forward to the state level. A ground swell needs to begin. We need a front runner who isn't afraid of special interests and can speak to regular people of all ages and races. There is an individual in the writer's collaborative I bet that would fit the role. Read the article in the Atlantic Magazine today by Tim Ryback. Tell me who Alfred Hugenburg reminds you of. Thankyou Bob Leonard for your thoughts and words.
Thomas- This individual in the Iowa Writers Collaborative who will fit your role is going to need: 1) guts of steel; 2) megabucks; 3)media presence; 4) a brain trust of wise advisors and yes, 5)grassroots support. Who do you have in mind? I still favor Senator Klobuchar. Just don’t know whether she can garner help from a few billionaires?
That's a fabulous five list of resources needed for the movement. It would be great if there's a person. But also think about that same list in terms of party leadership and organizational leadership.
Right, it takes a huge team with common goals….and minimal infighting.
Hey Josiah, I voted for Amy in the primary couple cycles ago. Contributed to her campaign too. I am thinking more about State of Iowa politics with my post. Nationally, your need to have list I agree with.
In Iowa, okay! That’s tough…who is a middle of the road candidate with ability to engage people regarding the costs of food and housing? And with charisma?