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This is remarkable!

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Thank you Russell, and thanks for sharing. I went to grad school in Seattle, and worked in SE Oregon for a couple of summers. I love the Pacific Northwest.

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Robert, our mutual friend, Steve S., has shared a few of your articles over the past few years. You hit this one out of the park, as the saying goes. Well said and I will pass it along. Russell, From out in the Pacific Northwest

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Thanks Linda!

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Great definition of woke. So many that have downplayed it have no idea what it means...

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Bob this is great!! I must share with you that my daughter said to me you are so woke the other day. I am embarrased that I had to ask her what she menat by that. If I had read your article before she said that to me I would have known. Thank you for being you and always willing to see both sides of every story and for being WOKE!!! We neee more people like you in this world!!

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Thank you! Encouragement matters...

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Had the Left listened to me 8 years ago, Trump would never have been president. Had they listened 14 years ago, you'd have 16 years of Democratic rule and control the courts. A Hillary/Obama ticket was the smart move. He wasn't ready anyway -- but after 8 years under her (as it's a near certainty she would have had two terms) -- he'd be a shoo-in for another 8. And who knows from there.

From my post -- Unschooled in Adjustment:

Pursuing aims in ways that predictably damage your cause is bad enough. But once the outcome becomes clear, it’s beyond belief that you refuse to reflect on your methods.

Even if you’re right and have the best of intentions, if you’re not smart in making your moves, you can exponentially worsen the problem you’re addressing — along with seemingly unrelated ones. And already have — again and again . . .

"Like many alternatives, however, it was psychologically impossible. Character is fate, as the Greeks believed. Germans were schooled in winning objectives by force, unschooled in adjustment. They could not bring themselves to forgo aggrandizement even at the risk of defeat."

— Barbara Tuchman



I've been blocked by people on Twitter for politely suggesting that Black Lives Matter is a counterproductive cause. Are they Woke? The childish counter of "All Lives Matter" was as predictable as night and day -- turning the entire issue into a debate over slogans. Marching to BLM with the first black POTUS sitting in the White House? That -- was not smart (and shows no understanding of the nature of change).

I don't care if Kaepernick kneels -- I care that it's a one-dimensional gesture that accomplishes nothing but noise in the face of multi-dimensional problems. And knocking down monuments for fleeting gain -- giving your opposition endless ammunition?

Those efforts are not the mark of intelligent problem solving. Look around.

It’s quite possible that Comey’s cover-his-ass actions in the 11th hour tipped the scales. Given the possibility that a single event like that could alter the atmosphere of an election — what do you think pouring fuel on the fire for years did? Given the tight margins — there’s not a doubt in my mind that these ploys put Trump in the White House.

What matters to you more? Some thank-yous that took all of 10 seconds -- or somebody who took the time to challenge you and offer another way of thinking about these things you hold so dear? You can't find these problems head-on in today's culture. Whatever my issues with the Left, the Right doesn't play by any rules, so ya gotta be smart in every move you make:

"You don’t drive down Broadway to get to Broadway. You move diagonal . . . you jag."


BLM is a blunt instrument at the other end of the spectrum of this principle. But you've got company -- as almost everything in America today is a blunt instrument (with nobody examining the efficacy of their efforts and the damage they do):


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Thank you

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Thank you friend!

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I am so incredibly proud to call you my frie and. Well said.

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Likewise. Thank you.

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This is wonderful! It is too bad more people are not woke.

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Thank you!

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Bob, congratulations on your first Substack column! I eagerly await your future posts!

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Thank you, and thanks for all your help!

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