Brilliant piece, Robert. You boldly call out the elephant in the room that so many are afraid to emphasize -- voucher programs are a strong pillar of the Christian Nationalist takeover platform. As an Iowa taxpayer I am forced to fund Christian schools (yes, that's the vast majority of "private" schools). Curriculums across America are devolving to remove reference to critical events that shaped our nation, scientific proof of climate change, and using religion as a smokescreen to hide hatred toward and exclusion of minority groups. Isn't it ironic that they accuse modern public schools as being the "groomers"? Sadly, the negative impact of this trend may not be realized for a decade or more. By then it may be too late to save us from a generation of children indoctrinated into conservative Christian philosophy.

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Great job of unpacking what is happening in Iowa AND the implications this has for our entire country.

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Thanks for articulating so well what we are facing. Almost 18 years ago, I moved back to WI from the west coast w/an infant in tow, motivated in large part by "better schools." Today, this essay could just as easily be about The Badger state.

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A realistic look at what is happening, thank you. I forwarded this on to friends. I did have one comment/question. I believe it is important to not overstate or miss the mark on the facts. It is my understanding that the train derailment was caused by an overheated wheel bearing that was caught by the crew when the sensor rose to the temperature that set off alarms. So is that really a derailment caused by deregulation or just a heads up that more safety regulations need to be considered.

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Excellent point. Complex issue. The best discussion I've seen is here. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/02/27/so-far-trumps-rollback-regulations-cant-be-blamed-ohio-train-wreck/. Check the Quarterman comment. Another example, of which there are countless, would have been better. Really appreciate your comment. Thanks.

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to get what they want, our elected leaders are throwing out the baby with the bathwater. They are throwing out the values of diversity and govt openness-- and more--with the bathwaters of policies that taste woke to them. And the leaders don't care if our democratic values drown in the process.

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Mr Leonard’s writing captures perfectly what the true Republican agenda is:

The rich get richer at the expense of the rest of us.

He wrote in July that this greed can be beat down by focus on values.

While I agree with both of his writings, can greed really be overcome by values?

I talk to my friends—well, used to be friends—for example in Moms For Liberty.

I question the results of their censorship efforts and uninformed dialogue, but they would rather fight than admit to the disastrous results of their efforts.

I asked one to go with me to our local school and look for the books she thought were there, but she refused.

“You know they will hide those books from us!”

How do we deal with this ignorant zealousness?

How do we get people to focus and act on their values?

Hate, anger, and disinformation seem to bury people now to the point they can’t articulate or act from true empathetic values.

What can be done?

I certainly don’t want to live, or have my kids and grandkids live in a world where money, not values, is the center piece of our world.

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Thank you for your comment. I understand where you are coming from, but I'm optimistic. I think in the end values will win, but only if the Democratic party invests in elevating leaders at the grassroots level. Thanks again.

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Agree, Robert. The decline of the D's enabled the unified government of the R's. The only solution is resurrection of the D's to provide competition in the arena of ideas which also requires discipline--promote the above-mentioned Iowa values and forgo those that will never sell (for years, at least) in Iowa. I, too, remain optimistic for this state.

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Thanks, Bob, and thanks for the email too. When are you going to start your own substack?

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Thank you for writing this column, Bob. You have summarized what is going on here with pinpoint precision. I have heard much talk about how all of this will be viewed as "over-reach" and people will make their disgust known when they vote - much like Kansas. I do hope that is true, but there are two years left for these people to continue to damage children and others who have no voice in our state. My biggest fear? I am very afraid that, perhaps, this in not considered overreach by a majority of voters who show up to vote in 2024. God help us. To quote Julie and Rekha, "What in the Hell Has Happened to Iowa?" Thank you for your continued good work to report what is happening these days in Iowa.

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Thanks, Kathi. I'm just happy redistricting is over. Just think what they would do.

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Disgusting and so much easier to execute, for its simplicity, than the more complex goals of inclusion and excellence for all. I was thinking last week about how politeness in the South (however fake sometimes) is reinforced by everyone in schools, churches, and the home. No parent could single handedly cultivate that internalized sense of decorum without the broad social reinforcement. Same for excellence in public education. Once the broad social support is gone, there’s no propping it up. Iowans will have to learn the cost of this folly the hard way.

Also: great work by Asa!

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Agree. The artwork is compelling! Any/all should promote and support this work. Thank you, Asa!

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Thank you, Bob.

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Thank you for pulling all this together. This is just terrifying when we reflect upon it. All I know is that we cannot allow our nation to be hijacked like this. The path ahead is foggy but please keep clearing it for us. Leaders will emerge!

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This is so important and scary. Thank you, Bob. In your second to last paragraph, isn't the combined number 64%, not 29%? Maybe I misunderstood.


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Thanks, Margaret. I'll check--I just copied and pasted the quote/link from the Washington Post.

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Thanks, Denise! I think we overcome it in part by what I wrote here in July. https://rleonard.substack.com/p/values

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Thanks Scott. I have hope--this post from July shares it. https://rleonard.substack.com/p/values

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Many years ago when I worked for a private school, Kim Reynolds showed up and said as much. I did my best to warn people about it. Besides everything you mentioned, we also had an explosion at a shingle recycling plant in Marengo, our cancer rate is going up here in Iowa, and a toxic pit of manure remains festering in Algona. And much of Iowa's budget surplus and projects in art and infrastructure are funded by the American Rescue Plan--which gets no mention when our politicians tout the projects. Iowans need to be more aware! Please, Iowa, drain the bathtub!

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Meanwhile only public schools, public higher education, public school libraries and public libraries are the only entities which are causing problems for everyone (sarcasm). How could a corporation do anything that could be harmful to us? As long as our minds are "clean", toxic fumes and water won't hurt us (sarcasm).

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Excellent points! Thanks Cathy...

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I've tried to distill those thoughts into something coherently haven't been able to do so. You did it perfectly. Add in the destruction of newspapers and discrediting television news and you have the perfect storm. I'll share this far and wide.

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Thanks, Randy. And please keep up your excellent and inspiring work!

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It is clear what a political system under GOP control would look like. All we have to do is look at Florida, Iowa and a dozen other GOP controlled states. You have hit the core of the issue Robert...it is about creating a Christian nationalist oligarchy that works for a few, not the many. It is inherently anti-democratic, and it is dangerous.

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Thanks, Daniel. Your important work has really made this clear.

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