Dr. Leonard...thank you for writing this. Two observations--
When Troy mentioned that the caucus app cost $65K to develop, alarm bells sounded. $65K is what two programmers get paid for dabbling on a project for a few short months. Obviously, no beta testing had been done. One word, "fiasco."
Secondly, the Dem donor class was burned badly in Iowa's 2020 showing. As a consequence, 'other races were given short shrift,' the DCCC and DSCC would say. The thought from outside the state is that we need to heal ourselves before we can gain party support, and until then...as quoted from the SLT..."we are in the ditch."
Admiral, you are most welcome. Fiasco, indeed, but it wasn't the IDP that created the app. You know infinitely more than I do about the DCCC and DSCC and the donor class, and would look forward to any additional thoughts you have on the matter. I think Dems had a great bunch of candidates this time, and investments should be made to win, rather than worrying about/punishing Iowa for what happened in 2020. Not enough investment in 2022 doesn't help in 2024. Or fix 2020.
I'm going to disagree a little. Do rural Iowans like the caucus? We can barely pull together 4 people to run the caucus in Pella and it is almost always the same people. If rural Iowans loved the caucus, they would work for the caucus.
The DNC has a bad habit of underestimating voters in the Midwest. Your point is a potential 2nd order effect I don't think has even crossed their minds.
1•Yes, conduct the event on the previously designated date, and
2•• Do away with the "caucus" format per sé. Evening caucuses are not inclusive, as they make participation difficult for those who A-need to arrange for child care and B-have an evening working job and are therefore, unable to attend/participate in the process.
Conduct an all day primary event, where one can walk in, cast your ballot, and walk out.
I couldn't agree more! Thanks for writing this. I hope that your story gets circulated and Iowa retains its first in the nation status. With the DNC's help or not.
The app story is a compelling one, and I can see the argument for pushing back against top-down control from the DNC. I did enjoy the community building that happened at the caucuses, but I think Democrats need to take a page from the GOP and have anonymous ballots. I'll never forget the look on a neighbor's face when I greeted her at the door, after having canvassed for Bernie and thinking I'd won her vote, and then she had to tell me she was going to go stand with the Hillary people. She should have felt bad about it, but we were friends and she felt that she was letting me down. That's messed up. Same for the time limits for voting, which works against working people, single parents (or anyone with small children), people with disabilities, people in assisted living, and so on. The caucuses work great if you're a retired person or a young adult. They can really be a headache for others.
Dr. Leonard...thank you for writing this. Two observations--
When Troy mentioned that the caucus app cost $65K to develop, alarm bells sounded. $65K is what two programmers get paid for dabbling on a project for a few short months. Obviously, no beta testing had been done. One word, "fiasco."
Secondly, the Dem donor class was burned badly in Iowa's 2020 showing. As a consequence, 'other races were given short shrift,' the DCCC and DSCC would say. The thought from outside the state is that we need to heal ourselves before we can gain party support, and until then...as quoted from the SLT..."we are in the ditch."
Admiral, you are most welcome. Fiasco, indeed, but it wasn't the IDP that created the app. You know infinitely more than I do about the DCCC and DSCC and the donor class, and would look forward to any additional thoughts you have on the matter. I think Dems had a great bunch of candidates this time, and investments should be made to win, rather than worrying about/punishing Iowa for what happened in 2020. Not enough investment in 2022 doesn't help in 2024. Or fix 2020.
I'm going to disagree a little. Do rural Iowans like the caucus? We can barely pull together 4 people to run the caucus in Pella and it is almost always the same people. If rural Iowans loved the caucus, they would work for the caucus.
Well said. Just the fact of Iowa ignoring the national party would move people into supporting Iowa Democrats.
The DNC has a bad habit of underestimating voters in the Midwest. Your point is a potential 2nd order effect I don't think has even crossed their minds.
There are two issues:
1•Yes, conduct the event on the previously designated date, and
2•• Do away with the "caucus" format per sé. Evening caucuses are not inclusive, as they make participation difficult for those who A-need to arrange for child care and B-have an evening working job and are therefore, unable to attend/participate in the process.
Conduct an all day primary event, where one can walk in, cast your ballot, and walk out.
Wow! Who knew?! I see your thesis as putting state, and perhaps nation, above party which I think is commendable. Thank you.
I have a story I would love to share with you from my past experience over a drink sometime. This has been going on for years.
I couldn't agree more! Thanks for writing this. I hope that your story gets circulated and Iowa retains its first in the nation status. With the DNC's help or not.
The app story is a compelling one, and I can see the argument for pushing back against top-down control from the DNC. I did enjoy the community building that happened at the caucuses, but I think Democrats need to take a page from the GOP and have anonymous ballots. I'll never forget the look on a neighbor's face when I greeted her at the door, after having canvassed for Bernie and thinking I'd won her vote, and then she had to tell me she was going to go stand with the Hillary people. She should have felt bad about it, but we were friends and she felt that she was letting me down. That's messed up. Same for the time limits for voting, which works against working people, single parents (or anyone with small children), people with disabilities, people in assisted living, and so on. The caucuses work great if you're a retired person or a young adult. They can really be a headache for others.
I agree.
They are proposing some fixes for accessibility.