Your closing remark about the concern over what's left of the republican party moving on to more palatable but just as destructive candidates is mine as well. And it could well happen if the evidence against Trump results in an indictment making him ineligible to run for office. While I'd like to see him in prison orange and shackles as much as anyone, I think I'd almost rather see the republican party, as it's currently comprised, loaded down with Trump as a loose cannon and an albatross.

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Even now, when I should absolutely know better- screenshots like that still surprise me. We're so far removed from "actual" reporting of news versus opinion masquerading as such that many people can no longer tell the difference.

And while I'm most of the midterm results give me some hope, the idea that there are still plenty of people in IA (and WI) willing to carry Trump's water is disappointing at best.

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Good info-- thanks, Robert.

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Thanks for writing about this, Bob. While none of this is surprising my reaction is wow, just wow.............

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Thank you. It surprises me that a local party would go to this trouble. I'm wondering where it is coming from.

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I’m so disappointed in where our Country stands - I’m so disappointed so many Americans think Trump is a leader to support- I’m so disappointed there is more public racism after Trump- I agree with the other comments & what Dr. Bob writes. It’s a sad state of affairs when any political party or politician does their best to bring disrespect to our Country and puts their agenda above our Constitution.

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