I am not abandoning the moral arguments, but I am offering another way to approach legislators and the public.

In Iowa, approximately 10 K-12 athletes are openly transgender. However, the exact number remains uncertain. Looking at national data, Outsports reports that transgender athletes make up less than 0.002% of the total NCAA athlete population.

Pat has great comments below, too

Given the numbers, what should the Governor truly focus on?

Gambling: Studies show that 26-35% of NCAA student-athletes have gambled, with 1-3% exhibiting problematic or pathological gambling behaviors. Additionally, 4-6% of male student-athletes have reported betting on their games or providing inside information.

Sexual abuse on college campuses: Approximately 1-2% of male college students have been formally accused of sexual misconduct through university reporting systems. Many cases go unreported, making the true numbers even higher.

Childhood sexual abuse: The CDC estimates that about 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 13 boys experience sexual abuse at some point during childhood. This means 10-15% of families in the U.S. are affected.

Meanwhile, transgender athletes make up less than 0.002% of the NCAA population.

If the goal is to address the most pressing concerns for Iowans—especially young people—Republicans and Democrats should be prioritizing issues with real, widespread impact. As the former director of the Iowa Civil Rights Commission, I recall only one case involving a high school bathroom dispute, which was easily mediated with cooperation from families, staff, teachers, and students.

The numbers speak for themselves. Let's focus on the real concerns affecting Iowa’s youth.

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Way too logical Ralph. Great points, but they don't care. All they care is about power, and to build power Republicans create imaginary enemies rather than make things better for people.

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Just re-read your comment. And Dem’s have no idea, whether in DSM or DC, on how to combat these imaginary enemies, lies, threats and bullying. Here in Iowa, I am pushing opponents of Trump/MAGA policies to say what you wrote. They should just say that the Trump/Musk work is the work of people who don’t care. And then let the R’s complain we are over generalizing. I am also urging state D’s and candidates for state wide office to being holding public hearings around Iowa, meeting with local radio, people like you and others to learn how Iowans are suffering from the mean spirited policies

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More power to you Ralph...

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Bob people like you have a megaphone. people like our elected officials have megaphones. people that are democratic candidates for Congress have a megaphone. I have a kazoo, but a sharp, pointed kazoo and with that kazoo I will poke and prod and relentlessly push opponents of Musk and Trump to do more. Nearly 200 people showed up at a 12 o’clock lunch and a church basement last weekend, sponsored by Democrats. we have had postcard writing parties of 30 people plus to help the judge win in Wisconsin.

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You have a very powerful kazoo, Ralph!

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It works, Bob. Thanks for being there.

I think those engaged in this debate would be well served to remember the case of Gayla McDowell, who was a librarian at UNI during the time you and I were there. I'm attaching a link to a 1978 Jack Hovelson article in the Register that sums up the issue quite nicely, as Jack always did. Here it is:


It may be a good exercise to look back at this situation of 45-50 years ago with present-day eyes and ask ourselves whether we're serving justice by giving employers "get out of liability free" cards - and whether the state will burn a lot of time and expense defending this legislation through the inevitable appeals process if it becomes law.

And excuse me for being blunt but: To those who support this anti-trans legislation because they're afraid of perverts using women's toilets or co-opting children at story hour, I would respectfully suggest their time would be better spent going after child molesters and sex abusers in positions of authority who hide in plain sight -- and extend the statue of limitations for these predators' civil and criminal prosecution, to deter such crimes and allow greater recourse for survivors of such abuse. State Sen. Janet Petersen of Des Moines has been championing this for many years and it's high time she received some support.

Your kid might be safer with a drag queen than some individual wearing a Roman collar. Think about it. Tougher penalties would deter or bring to justice the molesters no matter who or where they are or what they look like. Protection of the vulnerable without discrimination. Equal justice under the law.

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Thanks Pat. I just now was able to read the story. So sad. Tragic. I have a vague memory of it. I too read the book about Jorgensen a few years later. Maybe in 75 or so. It was quite well-written and fascinating. Sounds like you have another column.

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You did it!!! Yay!

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Thank you for showing us what is going on. Keep going!

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Thanks Robert for showing this. It is a time that will test all of our courage. At almost 69, this was not in the plan for the final chapters of my life.

In retrospect, it should have been.

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Great to see Iowans peaceably assembled to redress their grievances (and in full voice!).

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