Bob, I learned so much from this column. Thank you!

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You have provided a lot of solid information in this article that all Americans need to pay attention to.

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Thank you for this report, Bob. For heavens sake people VOTE and please vote for people who recognize that climate change is real and needs to be addressed and are committed to making a difference. Don’t take their word for it. Look at their policy statements, or lack there of. Please, look at the voting records of the congressional representatives we have now. If they have a record of not supporting policy to address the problems climate change presents to our state, please don’t vote for them. The only way to change any of this is with the voice of our vote.

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Well written and so full of obvious clues as to what will happen in 2025 if the ex-president is reelected. This should give pause to everyone who is in love with democracy and holds respect for others. Thankyou Bob for writing this.

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Thank you Thomas.

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Stormchaser? Who knew?! As an ardent fan of weather (always the last one into the basement, if at all) I think you have had a lot more fun and adventure than most.

Interesting information comes from asking Chat GPT, "Who provides the radar feeds that private television outlets use during storms?" The response is too long to forward, but it appears we are already extensively served by private weather systems that market acute information to television, radio, private organizations, social media, etc.

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What an explosive piece Bob. Your passion is palpable.

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a bit of an aside, but weather is proof local news is worthy

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I feel like the Republican Party in general are a bunch of Harold Hills from the Music Man. Let’s create problems somewhere else so we can pass our laws to help ourselves. Let’s tell the public that climate change isn’t real, democrats want to kill your babies and steal your guns. They want to indoctrinate your children with their evil agendas. They create these narratives in order to pass laws to make profits for their wealthy friends which in turn gives the politicians healthy kickbacks. We got trouble right here in River City! Keeping the middle and lower income people divided means they are easier to control.

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Great post Carla. I've thought about using the Music Man comparison before...you mentioning it might be the prompt I need. Lots of money to be made over division. Thanks!

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The greatest American musical but perhaps not the example you are seeking. Follow the plot to the end and see who seduces whom. . . .a story of family, hope, love and community.

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Ironic in that The Music Man was based on an Iowa community taken in by the 'Professor's' sales pitch. Iowa's own Governor is currently using taxes meant for public schools to fund private, mainly religious schools to give parents 'choice'. Even as those schools raise tuition rates the same amount as the State's largess would reward them. She has never mentioned that while public schools cannot contribute to campaigns, private schools have no such restrictions. In fact. they are free to spend our taxes as they wish; no accountability. Of course, the ability to pick the best students leaves out the disruptive, hard to educate, ESL students and those that need 'one on one' instruction, but that's all part of following Project 2025', a dystopian manual of instruction that even Iowa's top lawyer, Brenna Bird, is supporting.

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I've seen and heard enough about the greed of some that rely on the ignorance of others to protect them from a variety of dangers to their lives and the future or that of their offspring that I've thrown up my hands and said "What next?" However, I know there are those like you whose persistent voice encourages others to pay attention. I am encouraged by the number of my former students who seemed like a mass of restless teenagers trying to figure out who they were also paying attention to how I encouraged them to look at what each of us can do. Never give up and always, always be an informed voter.

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Great advice Helen!

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