Is there any evidence that Harris can win? Genuinely curious.

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It is perhaps unhelpful and pessimistic to say so, but the first female president and first woman of color are both formidable milestones and risks in their own right. But one could say the risks are worthwhile since there is no safer alternative.

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Agreed. A Black friend tells me that she was listening to the press conference on NPR and that when Biden mistakenly called Harris "Vice President Trump" she turned it off.

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Jul 13Liked by Robert Leonard

I just can't see voting for a man who we honestly see deteriorating so quickly.

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We have to vote for whoever is the Democratic nominee, or risk democracy. Check out project 2025.

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So does that mean just 'anybody'? Very sad!

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Jul 13Liked by Robert Leonard

I agree, Bob. Like I said yesterday in Julie's request for comments, this isn't about what us committed blue voters think. It's about what those voters who don't watch or care about politics think, the ones who will determine outcomes in those close swing states. They vote far less on issues but much more on personalities. What they saw on Tic Toc clips of the debate was an old decrepit man who escaped from seniors home. No amount of "riding w/ Biden" claims by James Clyburn changes their perception. When Joe won the nomination in '20, and then picked Harris as his running mate, I truly believed it was genius and that as soon as elected, he was going to put her out front and groom her to take over in 2024. Boy, was I wrong!

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I was wrong too. He said he was going to be a "transitional" candidate, and I took him at his word.

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Jul 12Liked by Robert Leonard

The President hasn't had a full Cabinet meeting since October 2, 2023?! Given all of this unsettling information that started as a controllable trickle is now turning into a full on dump, that is one damn big "jump scare" - another one.

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Yes, frightening. I wish I would have thought of this! I'm surprised there isn't more coverage of it. I understand, however, that there is no requirement or standard for convening them.

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Jul 13Liked by Robert Leonard

I'm much older than Biden but I can understand his persistence built on decades of overcoming stuttering and rejection by those with whom he differs. Decades ago I once met with Jill and their daughter along with other LWV women and I remember his little girl crying and saying I thought people would like my daddy because he's smart. It's difficult for him to abandon his determination, especially because he does know what will happen to our democracy if too many believe Trump's rants.

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Jul 13Liked by Robert Leonard

I don't know what the best course forward is. Biden is probably going to continue to stumble, and each time there will be renewed calls for him to step aside for as long as he stays at the helm, at least until the convention. It's painful to watch.

I keep weighing the following:

* There's a saying that you don't change horses in the middle of the race, but the Democratic Party is more like a big, heavy ship. It can't turn on a dime. The course we're on has some visible obstacles (some state governments and a Supreme Court that would happily tilt the odds toward autocracy and theocracy--ie, what is the cutoff point for when they forbid changes to the ballot?) and who knows how many underwater explosives. But there have been at least two nautical mishaps in recent years. Can we alter course without gouging a hole in the ship?

* I've worked for a small, disorganized company that transitioned from one CFO to another. What a mess. It takes months before things settle down, before people know who is doing what, etc. Is the Demoratic Party organized enough to transition like this? How long will it take to recover from such a change?

* And the confusion in the midst of this transition--wouldn't that make the authoritarian aspect of the Republican party look all the more appealing? "Just fall in line and don't worry. Have some popcorn. This chaos could be yours, if you don't have a strong leader. (Or if you dare to question your leader.)"

* The underlying factors that have pulled us to the brink of fascism are still in play. Particularly, I mean the erosion of a lot of face-to-face social interactions, and the prevelance of mediated reality, where so many people are slender, smooth-skinned, and eloquent--such that we are unforgiving of ourselves when we don't look or act in air-brushed ways, and we are unforgiving of others for the same reason. Everybody gaffes. I am worse than Biden. Perhaps part of the problem is, we expect that what we see on TV or our tablets or phones should meet the standard of other things we see on TV/our tablets/etc.

* Maybe Biden's performance issues are more like a neurodivergence than like a speech impediment? It's gotten more noticeable with age, for sure, but (as someone with similar issues) I'm not sure where to draw the line between the appearance of not-being-qualified vs actually not-being-qualified.

* And isn't it incredibly wild that one candidate is an absolute fraud who can't dare to let anyone see his human vulnerabilities, even as he insists upon his authenticity (the "real" Donald Trump)? He's paper-thin, the screen that a move projector plays fantasies on. Meanwhile Biden was so exhausted he couldn't hide his vulnerabilities, couldn't "perform."

* But maybe the voting public isn't prepared for a nuanced discussion of authenticity and reality. Such a discussion probably won't/can't happen in our current media (as in, mediated) environment. Our attentions are going to glom onto Biden's gaffes. It's going to get in the way of the campaign, pulling attention *from* the bold authoritarian moves the right is making.

Whatever this adds up to, I don't know. I wish we weren't in this situation. Whatever happens, we all need to roll up our sleeves. There's a lot of work to do.

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Such an important comment. So well put. You know the democratic party well. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. In the end we will roll up our sleeves.

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Jul 12Liked by Robert Leonard

I have thought for a long time that anyone over 70 or at least 75 should not be able to run for President. Being president is a huge job, requring so much energy., even if you have great people around you. As for Biden, it is now so late that it is hard to make a change, and I don't think this country will elect a Black woman, so I really am at a loss. I think Biden has lost people's confidence, so he should probably step down. I appreciate your point of view.

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Thanks Margaret. I agree on an age limit for president. I fear you are right with respect to electing Harris. A couple of my Black friends say we won't elect a Black woman. I hope they are wrong. I interviewed Harris three times. She is remarkable.

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Jul 13Liked by Robert Leonard

I would happily vote for Harris. I think, though, that our country is still deeply racist, alas. I think that is how Trump got elected the first time, reaction to Obama. I know it is more complicated than that, but I think it was a major factor.

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I agree.

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Jul 12Liked by Robert Leonard

Oh man, I've always been critical of people who refuse to change their mind when confronted with the facts (i.e., anyone who supports the former guy). So I am having a huge conflict of conscience when it comes to President Biden. I agree with you, Bob, that he has been a great president. I so wish he had run in 2016 and I think we could have avoided the disaster that was and is Trump. I think Biden would have had 2 successful terms. If he's our candidate, I'll still support him with the knowledge that he'll likely not finish the term. I'm just so afraid Trump will win. That makes me so worried for the future of our country. As always, I sure do enjoy your point of view and respect your opinion.

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Thanks Susan, I value yours too. If Biden looked and acted like he was still up to the job I would love to support him.

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Jul 12Liked by Robert Leonard

I understand your opinion and your concerns. However, I also noted that in your fourth paragraph you had a grammatical or spelling error. Should I take this to mean that you are cognitively slipping? None of us are privy to the workings of the Oval Office. We are at the mercy of the press and what they and the Oval Office want us to know. I’m a bit sensitive to focusing on a speech impediment and name switching instead of his productivity and results. One local news channel only aired his flubs and no other content. I watched the whole press conference,and yes, was concerned when he made name switch flubs, but I also was comforted in his knowledgeable and nuanced responses to questions on foreign policy, the wars in Gaza and Ukraine, gun control, healthcare, economic recovery after the pandemic and recovery from the pandemic itself. I agree that he has been an incredibly successful president. He says he can keep the pace. Yes he is older and he mixed up a couple of names. On substance however he has delivered. I trust that he and his team will decide when he cannot be effective without the constant badgering by the press.

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I've written that he is the best president of my lifetime. I haven't said anything about his stuttering, and never would. I saw the pain an uncle of mine had with people commenting on his stutter. I agree that all he has done has been excellent, but most democrats say he is too old. If you don't believe he is slipping, I hope you are correct. And to be sure, I am cognitively slipping. I feel it. I'm 70 years old.

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Jul 12Liked by Robert Leonard

I know the feeling. I’m 69

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I feel it's part of the journey of being a better person. I just go with the flow and appreciate it.

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First I couldn't think of anything worse than the debate, but think if we have to see clips of that debate all fall thanks to Trump campaign ads! No thanks. Lowell Norland

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If you're so sure Joe won't last, a vote for him IS a vote for Harris, isn't it? Don't really see the big problem. And it must be nice to have a crystal ball .. I'd love to borrow it sometime. No one knows that Biden can't beat T, any more than they all "knew" that T would never be elected in 2016. Quit stating that as if you're an all-knowing god.

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Sorry if I came across as an all knowing god. I don't believe that. I have supported him in the past, and will again if he's the nominee. But I can't deny what I see. I can't deny him losing support. I can't deny donors freezing money. I can't deny Trump wants him to be the candidate. I can't deny he's been hiding from the public, and I can't deny not having a cabinet meeting since October 2 seems irresponsible. Much thanks for sharing your thoughts. I appreciate and understand your point of view.

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Jul 12Liked by Robert Leonard

And I owe you an apology. Of course you may state/write whatever you wish on your own stack, and I have no right to demand you stop. It is hard to contain my frustration at the creation of a self-fulfilling prophecy of the end of our democracy. The more we say "not him," the more people won't vote for him. Since he's clearly not leaving, we better do what we can to encourage votes for him rather than the other way 'round, or we'll be stuck with the other option.

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No apology needed. Your comment was made in good faith and I respect your opinion. We are all on the same team, just trying to figure these tough times out. Donald Trump is a threat to our way of life, and we will rally behind our nominee. Thanks so much for challenging me. I appreciate it.

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Jul 13Liked by Robert Leonard

This is similar to the Party's determination that H. Clinton be its candidate in 2016. It was "her turn." When the Party is wrong, it forfeits my loyalty to it. Especially now when the stakes are so high.

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Jul 16Liked by Robert Leonard

IMHO: 1) the clipped ear is the icing on his election cake; 2) the D's have no path to intercede; 3) our institutions are strong, the sky will not fall and the Republic will be just fine.

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In response. 1) I agree. 2) I hope you are wrong. 3) I disagree. The judiciary is compromised.

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