"16 Tons" and "9 to 5" in one essay -- well played. The corporate grind has assuredly fueled the parallel creator economy, with its fantasies of ultimate autonomy.

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The pandemic taught a lot of people that they could get by on less--and that it was okay to want that. In my own workplace, 4-day workweeks now go to much more senior employees than they did before.

It also reminded us that life is too short to spend it in a "bullshit job" or one that doesn't pay enough to make it worht your time. A lot of employers never got the memo. Things like "School Shifts," and compressed work weeks help bridge that gap.

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Well said!

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THIS! Thank you for this insight and acknowledging the wisdom of flexibility. And the reminder that Dolly did indeed have the best working-person's song ever!

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Thank you for writing about the lack of affordable childcare for working mothers since they have tried to return to the workforce after the pandemic. It seems to be to be a grossly underreported problem that is keeping women on the sidelines with little ability to find a good paying job.

I like the idea of a school shift for working parents. We need much more of that kind of thinking to support families in our country. Thanks for being an advocate for the people who need a hand up.

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I certainly would have endorsed working less hrs and more affordable childcare. Enjoy your perspectives. Thank you

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Love the content and images! You write with style, my friend! Big shout out from Ohio!

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Thanks! Appreciate it. Do you know John Russell? Great guy. Writes here: https://www.theholler.co/

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We must be twins by different mothers! I was six years old when that song came out and it was a hit on his television show right along with "This old House" another favorite of mine you never hear anymore. I have to admit, there are people who are so easily swayed they have no idea how badly they are getting screwed and will say the damnedst things like the eight hour day response. I have always stood up for myself and it has cost me some jobs, but I never regretted leaving! Even if I was "layed off" when they couldn't find a reason to fire me! Often I went to something better as a result. I've been through lossing union fights on two ocassions, and the reason we lost was often because their was no real commitment to getting what we were after from many, and the fear of no income to maintain life styles which are not neccessary for the most part. You cut to the chase on many issues! Keep up the good work! Steve Hanken

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thought provoking as usual. no reference to the feudal/serfdom state? school shift concept appears to assume that the child caretaker (now in a paid work role in that school time) does not do important roles if at home-when does laundry, shopping, cleaning, etc. get done with school shift? how about a "double school shift" by adding a change to later school hours (which work better for children's learning and brain functioning)? has there been a decline in workers due to increased home schooling? the rise of materialism (when/how did this happen?) is likely a factor too, perhaps fostered by the upper tier to create a (false) need for more money-hence more working time? so may thoughts more but I got to get back to work...

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Love the concept of his Newsletter. I’ll check it out!

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