This comes from the governor who is looking to limit the State Auditor's access to documents/proof while conducting audits involving fraud and waste of tax dollars. Do you suppose she is still mad for having to repay covid funds she misapporpriated? Perhaps she is afraid of an investigation into her using almost a million dollars of covid funds to get her executive realignment bill written by an out-of-state company. Even legislators from her own party are questioning that move.

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Love this structure.

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The pot is calling the kettle black. Didn't Gov. Reynold's perform a "sham" and an "assault on democracy" as well as "using government power to go after political opponents"? She assured that Jon Thorup and other republican senators/representatives who were not supporting her private school initiative were replaced in the last election.

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Well written Bob. You are a master at tearing apart a political situation without tearing apart the people themselves. We need more grounded analysis like this that calls all of us to be better without first needing to tear someone down.

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Republicans have been using projection to “govern” since Reagan. Sadly, Kim is a master of this and we are all worse off for that. She knows not of what she speaks.

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The Gov could have said if this was a parking ticket, or minor driving violation, or maybe even "intentionally" caught in a prostitution sting, then it could be argued as a political prosecution. The Gov. should have said I do not support paying for sex, nor paying to hush up a sex act, nor lying to cover up either, nor using my campaign donors' hard earned dollars to cover up a sex act. Then the Gov could add, but, I still think Trump is good for America. PS Why aren't the media asking our federal delegation to clarify their views on the morality and Iowa values of paying to hush up a sexual encounter and then using Repub campaign donations to Trump to pay for these hush payments.

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SPOT ON!! I’ve been teary/mad all morning and you captured it ALL!! Your column deserves to be published far and wide - how can we help?

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Thanks so much! I might rework it for another outlet. But sharing far and wide is helpful too!.

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Excellent. Thanks.

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What a upside down world we live in. I hope this is the beginning of her end.

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Gov Reynolds has said and done many reprehensible items. Somehow, this one strikes me as her worst yet. She voices an extreme, bizarre attitude that is beyond partisan. She places herself within the worst of the Trumpets lies. She disdains the rule of law. She affirms Trump's crimes. She leaves no doubt that she does not represent all of Iowans. In fact, it is clear that she has no use and no place in Iowa for those who are not loyal and obedient to her.

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