Thank you so much, Dr. Bob, for so beautifully telling this story!

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Great story, showcasing a difficult problem, and thoughtful solutions from thoughtful people. I am going to ask at my church about donating to charity that helps with the solution, or start a group that can be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

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Powerful story telling. Thanks for documenting the hope without sugar coating the atrocities.

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What has happened to Iowans…They have been fed a diet of Fox News Propaganda, the smart kids have left for a better life elsewhere….it is a tragedy of great significance…

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I'm a liberal practicing Lutheran. It pains me to hear Christian nationalists co-opt organized religion. My response to those who feel left behind by co-opted Christianity is: "I wouldn't believe in that God either." My pastor preaches the Gospel from the pulpit, which is inherently counter-cultural. If politics is about who has power, and who gets what and when, then the Gospel is inherently political. Jesus was a "turn the world" on its head figure.

A coalition from my congregation was at the state capitol protesting the days the anti-trans bill were being debated and passed. We will be there again this week advocating for LSI and refugees. We will be there again and again and again testifying against injustice and bearing witness.

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See you there…

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Thanks for this, Bob. It is important to focus on what we all can do, despite the crushing edicts from our federal government.


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I live in Pella because as a retiree I enjoy the smallness of the community. People here talk loud and proud of their ancestry and their strong “faith”. That said, the attitude of welcoming those who are different in any way is sadly missing in Pella. It is somewhat better than 35 years ago when I first lived here (“If you ain’t Dutch, you ain’t much” was still strong), but many here still supported MAGA and GOP state and federal legislators and their bigotry and racism. If they say otherwise, then why did they vote for them??

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I’m sure this group didn’t vote for Trump.

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It was years ago when I worked with refugee settlement in Pella and got to personally know many who came to the U.S. for various reasons. How did the U.S, Iowa, and Pella, a city of refugee go from this to applauding the current national view of refugees. Sad.

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Thanks, Bob. You have provided so much vital information about what is happening in the refugee community, and how we can help. Plymouth Church in Des Moines is joining forces with other Des Moines churches to try to help in many of the same ways as your Pella friends, and so knowing who else is working in our neighboring communities helps. We sponsored a Syrian family two years ago, and so I know something about what is needed and that it definitely takes a village. There is something EVERYONE can do.

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